What is a "Bad Beat Insurance"?
With such an insurance, whenever you are allin BEFORE the River, you get paid your equity share of the pot.
Sample Hand:

So what exactly happened here: We pushed allin on the Flop and got called by AQ. We have 80% Equity, which means we should statistically win 80 out of 100 such situations. Now that we insured the hand, only 2 things can happen.
Sit1: We win the pot. +100$ from the pot, but the inusrance premium is 20$ so we get 80$ effective.
Sit2: We lose the pot we get +100$ from insuredplay but the insurance premium is 20$ so 80$ effective.
(Sit3: may be a splitpot but it still ends with 80$ effective)
Why would someone use this insurance?
Reasons for this might be:
- Lower variance, meaning lower effective swings. This leads to a looser bankrollmanagement.
- Many people have trouble coping with suckouts, with Insuredplay you kinda get what you earned ;)
- Some people think pokersites might be rigged of they run bad all their life! haha
Reasons against the Insurance:
- You don't participate on your upswings (stupid reason tbh)
- The costs
Does it make sence for me to use this feature?
Do you play on another site than pokerstars? ----> NO because it's the only supported site.
Do you play cap games? ----> NO because the fees are way to high to have any +EV anymore.
Do you play deep games or Omaha? --> yes definately, because the swings in allinEV are extremely sick, so with this you can lower the variance for a relatively low fee.
Fees are always a small percentage of the pot. The amount of fee you pay on InsuredPlay depends on the number of insured hands you played in the last 30 days.Fee Level | Fee Percentage | Number of insured hands required |
1 | 1.49% | 0-50 |
2 | 0.99% | 50-100 |
3 | 0.75% | 100-200 |
4 | 0.49% | 200-300 |
5 | 0.25% | 300+ |
Supported Games
- No Limit Texas Hold’em
- Pot Limit Texas Hold’em
- No Limit Limit Omaha
- Pot Limit Limit Omaha
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