the only thing i can say about month May is, that it went splendid. I invested quite some time into improving my game, especially my Headsup and ultrashorthanded game. The most headsup content i got, was from watching DCs WiltOnTilt videos. I particularly focused on improving my handreading skill on the later streets (turn and river). Atm i would say i play better than i ever did!!!
The increased skill also effected my preflop game. I am now way more dynamic compared to the static approach i used to use ( opening 85% of the button with a minraise). My exploitive strategy begins at the first money put into the pot and ends when i win the pot :p
The second thing i improved greatly this month was my mindset. I was very aware of my state of mind, and when it turned to the tilt side and i feared my edge could diminish, i instantly quit the session. This sounds very easy in theory, but once most people start tilting they dont realice this until it is way too late. I am safe to say, i played way than 1% of all my 40k hands this month on tilt! That must be a record for me :D
Stats from Americas Cardroom:
8788 Hands, Limits: NL100 to NL400
$bb/100: 7,29
evbb/100: 19,78
790$ rake
Stats from Europe Networks:
28751 Hands, Limits NL50 to NL2000
$bb/100: 20,5
evbb/100: 21,1
6755$ rake
Stats from Bitcoin Poker:
about 10000 hands, Limits 5/10 to 20/40 (1Bitcoins = 1000 chips = 130$~)
won about 25 Bitcoins (3000$) but i am for sure way under ev :D
So long,